Here is our guide to choosing the best swimming timing system in 2025. You need to be aware that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is starting to transform the sector.
Full disclosure, we supply a swimming timing system, so we are NOT independent! You must do your own research and not rely on this advice! Reading this will help.
There are 5 alternative types to choose between
1. Touchpad systems

Touchpads are considered as the ‘gold standard’ in swimming timekeeping. The time is recorded by the swimmer pressing the pad at the end of their swim.
Touchpads are not reliable, especially when used with non-elite swimmers or if not regularly maintained. For this reason human backup timekeepers pressing buttons are usually rostered alongside touchpads.
- Accurate, especially with elite swimmers and when regularly maintained.
- Respected, popular and considered as the gold standard.
- The preferred choice for major national and international events (with high speed video backup).
- Usually integrates with a scoreboard.
- Significant investment in infrastructure. Complex and prone to regular breakdowns.
- Require regular maintenance and storage.
- Require backup timekeepers, ideally 3 per lane. Accuracy depends on these people.
- Installation and removal staff overhead around competitions.
- Difficult to adjudicate results queries.
Indicative costs
Expect to pay a few thousand dollars for each pad plus central timing hardware, and an annual software licence fee. Also budget management, event supervision, maintenance, storage, bump in/out costs and periodic on site supplier maintenance visits.
When to consider touchpad systems
- Host major national and international events.
- Have sufficient budget, including for management, maintenance, storage overheads, and bump in / out time.
- Prepared to roster up to 30 button pressers for backup (ideally 3 per lane).
- Require a long established big name supplier.
Examples (which may not experience the above pros, cons, costs and considerations)
2. Push button systems

Push button systems are operated by human timekeepers. Most modern systems are connected wirelessly. Some are available as mobile phone apps, often integrated with additional club or league services to improve member experience. Others have features to support coaching. Some integrate with scoreboards.
- Simple.
- Popular.
- Fast to install and remove around competitions (provided all batteries are adequately charged).
- Some have additional features to integrate more fully into the swimming environment.
- Accuracy dependent on operators.
- Requires timekeepers, ideally 3 per lane.
- Wireless devices require charged batteries.
- Difficult to adjudicate results queries.
- Occasional missed times due to human or technical error.
Indicative costs
Expect to pay a few hundred dollars per watch, unless member mobile phones are used, and some limited central hardware. Software running on a computer will be required unless a cloud based solution is used. App solutions have specific pricing. Some limited storage and management / maintenance may be required.
When to consider push button systems
- Host only occasional events.
- Limited accuracy concerns.
- Able to roster up to 30 button pressers (ideally 3 per lane).
- Limited budget.
- Prepared to ensure all batteries are charged prior to use.
- Prepared to accept occasional re-swims where times are missed.
- Want to use a specific app based club or league management platform.
- Believe that timing is a core parent responsibility for the good of the club.
Examples (which may not experience the above pros, cons, costs and considerations)
3. Manual stopwatches

The cheapest solution is to buy a box of stopwatches and give them to timekeepers.
- Lowest cost
- Complex to collect results.
- Poor accuracy and occasional missed times.
- Requires timekeepers, ideally 3 per lane, with clipboards, programs and pencils.
- Difficult to adjudicate results queries.
Indicative costs
Expect to pay up to $10 for a watch.
When to consider manual stop watches
- Single event.
- Unconcerned about accuracy.
- Able to roster up to 30 button pressers (ideally 3 per lane) plus runners to collect results.
- Tiny budget.
- Unable to source an alternative.
- Last resort.
4. High Speed Video (HSV)

Manual high speed video is a timing technology commonly used for backup timing at major national and international events. Due its price and utility it is not an option for mainstream use, and not considered further here.
- Swiss Timing
5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) timing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) timing uses computer vision technology. First launched by us in 2024 and now in regular commercial use in Australia’s most populated State. There is not yet widespread awareness of this ‘game changing’ innovation that will arguably become the mainstream timing solution in future.
Note that AI timing can either operate alone, or alongside existing touchpad systems for backup in place of timers.
- Timekeepers not required.
- Consistent accuracy.
- Easy to adjudicate results queries from video replays.
- Low footprint infrastructure enables high reliability.
- Exceptional event experience and customer feedback.
- Enables a clear pool deck and reduced compliance burden.
- New features are regularly being added.
- Being adopted by ambitious swimming progressives.
- Results are not instantaneous and take a few seconds to produce after each heat.
- Requires camera(s) over the finishing line(s) of the pool.
- Usage based software licence fee.
- Not yet validated for State records and higher.
Indicative costs
Anticipate AU$5-15k for hardware excluding cabling and installation. There is a usage based software licence fee which includes training and support.
When to consider AI timing
- Want happier events. Convenience, reliability and event experience are high priorities.
- Rostering up to 30 button pressers (ideally 3 per lane) is not ideal.
- Require result video review capability.
- You are open to new solutions.
- Want to stand out and focus on the swimming.
We here at Olly Timing are currently the only supplier of this technology.
Best swimming timing system summary